training begins at the start, setting zones to ensure you are training at the correct intensities. using wahoo EQUIPMENT we offer testing that suits you to get you on the path to sucsess.

Lactate testing - £coming soon

Lactate appears in the blood during moderate to high-intensity exercise. Lactate Threshold Testing identifies the relationship between exercise intensity and blood lactate concentration. Lactate threshold testing identifies 2 main lactate thresholds:

Lactate Threshold 1 – where blood lactate begins to rise above resting levels.

Lactate Threshold 2 – where blood lactate rises rapidly due to increased anaerobic metabolism.

The data collected from the Lactate Threshold Test will be used to accurately set your endurance training zone with corresponding heart rate and power values. If you do any sort of training using power or heart rate zones, then Lactate Testing is the most accurate way to ensure you are maximising your training time.

Ahi performance lab session - £125

We are lucky enough to be using the S1 from FLOWBIO alongside Core Body Sensors here in the studio.

These pieces of tech we discussed during our podcast with Stefan from FLOWBIO which can be found on the content page of this website.

The S1 is a small monitor that attaches to your heart rate monitor. With a simple zone 2 ride or in conjunction with a lactate test, we can monitor and analyse your sweat data for sodium loss and how that correlates with your core body temperature. We do this to not only analyse your core body temperature for safety but also to see how temperature affects your sweat sodium concentration.

From this session, we can give you an accurate hydration analysis plan and we can recommend products from STYRKR (other brands available) to help you hydrate for your riding and day-day life. Helping you to perform at your optimum.

fTP FITNESS TEST and post test analysis - £70

We will either do a Ramp test followed by a Heart rate threshold test or a Four-Dimensional Power test (4DP®), depending on which you are suited to perform or rather do, a 4DP test uses four key performance metrics:

Neuromuscular Power (NM) 5-second max sprint. Maximal Aerobic Power (MAP) 5-minute effort Functional Threshold Power (FTP) 20-minute effort Anaerobic Capacity (AC) 1-minute effort.

Doing these efforts in this order allows the metric to be accurate to your fatigue. Whereas other FTP and ramp tests take your 20-minute effort and use a calculation to get your result, the 4DP test takes your actual 20-minute effort as the results for the other efforts are taken into account to give you an overview of your 4 metrics and gives you a rider identity depending on your result.

Post-testing, you can enjoy a complementary STYRKR Bar+ and we can discuss your results and zone setting, ensuring you are training at the correct zones for your sessions. Full report and training zones will be emailed to you also.